What do you think of when you think of Hedgehog Fibres yarn? Do you think of a high-end brand of yarn? If you did, then you’d be right. Let’s take a moment to discuss what this type of yarn is as well as what we can make with Hedgehog Fibres yarn.
General Information About Hedgehog Fibres
Hedgehog Fibres is an Irish brand of yarn. Manufactured in Cork, Ireland, this handmade yarn can be shipped anywhere in the world.
The head of the company is Beata Jezek. Although born in Bratislava, Slovakia, Beata moved to Ireland in search of opportunity. In 2008, she was laid off due to the market crash. She didn’t want to just sit around, so she learned to knit. Once she became a bit more skilled, she realized how disappointing the yarn she used was.
She then took the time to create a yarn that was up to her standards; specifically, she wasn’t pleased with the color. She tried various ideas to dye yarn to make it the color she wanted. Finally, she found the secret and now shares it with people all over the world.
Today, Beata offers a wide range of colors and even features holiday color schemes.
What Is Hedgehog Fibres Yarn Made of
When you talk about what we can knit with Hedgehog Fibres yarn, you need to know that the yarn is strong and durable. Therefore, you can make various items and know they’re going to last, even if they’re wearable items.
The materials used depend on the particular yarn, so you’ll need to read carefully, so you can find the right one for your project.
Merino is one material you may find in the yarn. This particular material is wool from the Merino sheep. Generally, merino wool is softer and thinner in comparison to regular wool.
Some of the yarn has nylon in it, which makes it durable and stretch easier. It also is breathable and resists water much better than wool alone.
What We Can Knit With Hedgehog Fibres Yarns
Fortunately, what we can make with Hedgehog Fibres yarn is extensive. You could choose to make a blanket, either for an adult or a child. Another option with Hedgehog Fibres yarn is socks. A scarf is a possibility as well.
You could also make a sweater or a shawl out of this particular yarn.
The owner of Hedgehog Fibres has a variety of patterns available on her site for you to choose from, or you could opt to use another pattern.
Above all, you should know that you can make almost any project you desire using this type of yarn. However, you should know that many of the yarn skeins are gradient, so certain projects will turn out better with them than others, such as ones that are for gradient yarn patterns. Hedgehog Fibres sells plain colors, too, which could make finding a project easier for you. Plus, you may also dye your own with the base-color yarns.
Additionally, when answering what we can knit with Hedgehog Fibres yarns, you should also know that there are a variety of textures, such as feathers, which makes it even easier to choose a project suited for the yard. For instance, the feathery base yarn works well for a big, fluffy blanket.
Choosing the Right Hedgehog Fibres Yarn for Your Project
When choosing what we can knit with Hedgehog Fibres yarns, you could make sure you find the right type of yarn for your project.
A yarn with a high Merino content works well for men’s dress socks.
Some of the yarn is Leicester yarn. It tends to be shiner than Merino wool. It works well for mittens and socks.
Certain yarn also has a silk composition, which comes from silkworms. It’s soft, sleek, and often a bit shiny. You can use silk for drapes or various other types of projects.
Hedgehog Fibres is a brand that holds true to its quality promise. You’ll find vibrant colors in both gradients and solids. Plus, you may even purchase yarn to dye yourself. You just have to know exactly what you’re looking for. Fortunately, you can choose to do almost any project with Hedgehog Fibres.