When you spend time making wool socks, a blanket, or another item, you want to take care of it properly so it lasts and remains in optimal condition. While wool is washable, you need to take special precautions. This might make you wonder if Eucalan wool wash to wash wool is beneficial.
Why Choose Eucalan Wool Wash
Firstly, when answering is Eucalan wool wash to wash wool necessary and beneficial, you should know that a wool wash is gentle on the material. You’ll preserve the delicate fibers while traditional detergents may wear hard on them. Ultimately, the wool wash will soften and condition the fibers, so the item lasts longer.
Moreover, regular detergent, particularly when used regularly, will cause the wool to dry out. Naturally, wool has lanolin, which is a waxy or greasy substance that protects it and the lamb’s skin. Lanolin is what protects your garments from bacteria or water. Although you can replace the lanolin, a special detergent will make it so you won’t have to as soon.
Sometimes, the wool wash has more chemicals than a standard detergent. Often, you can find washes that are free from toxins, which is beneficial to your health and have little to no impact on the environment.
How Should You Wash Your Wool
Besides using a specialized detergent for wool, you also need to make sure you wash wool on the proper cycle to extend its life.
Spot Treating
If you’re wondering how to use Eucalan wool wash, understand that you should never use it as a spot treatment. Instead, try mixing a half teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water and dabbing it directly on the stain. Then, you should apply vinegar to the stain.
After you’re done spot treating, you should then throw the garment in the washing using the instructions below.
Washer Instructions
For one, make sure you wash your wool on cold. Wool is notorious for shrinking when spun in a washer on a hot setting. You could also choose the wool setting on your washer for the best results.
Additionally, when you’re determining how to use Eucalan wool, you should know that you should turn the item inside out.
When you add the wool wash, you use it just as you would a standard detergent.
You can wash it on either a regular or delicate cycle.
Don’t put the garment into the dryer. Instead, you should place the item on a towel on a flat surface. It shouldn’t be in the sun, even inside near a window.
Hand-Washing Instructions
When it comes to handwashing wool, how to use Eucalan wool wash is slightly different.
Fill a basin or sink with cold water. Add your Eucalan wool wash into the water and swish it around a bit.
Place the garment into the water after you turn it right-side-out. Swish the item in the water a few times to allow the water and soap to penetrate the material. Make sure you don’t rub the fabric. In addition, you should never soak the wool item for longer than 10 minutes.
And don’t rinse! Seriously no rinsing is required. How is that for saving water.
Squeeze or press the item to remove as much water as possible. Be sure not to wring out the wool, or you could cause it to become misshapen or stretched out.
If you still have water in the item, you could put the item in a dry towel and roll it to remove any excess water.
Don’t hang the garment to dry. Lay it on a flat surface on top of a fresh towel. Never place the item in direct sunlight, and make sure you position the item in its proper position to prevent it from being stretched out.
Fortunately, the process of how to use Eucalan wool wash to wash wool isn’t difficult. With a few simple steps, you can keep your wool items looking new for longer and prevent the item from wearing out sooner than it should. Keep in mind that as a general rule, wool can last up to 20 to 30 years with proper care.