Gradient yarn gradually changes color throughout the same strand. It’s a unique color scheme of yarn that can be used to add pizzazz to any craft project, from sweaters to blankets and everything in between. While this color-changing yarn may look appealing, you may wonder how to knit with gradient yarn. We have the answer!
General Information About Gradient Yarn
Before you learn how to knit with gradient yarn, you should first understand what this type of yarn is. Gradient yarn will come in various sizes.
Specifically, with this yarn variety, the color starts as one color and slowly fades into another. Sometimes, the color is a single color that fades, while in other cases, it starts as one color and fades to another.
While you may purchase this yarn in a store with a gradient already, you can choose to dye your own using a kit or any color scheme you choose.
Choosing a Gradient
Before you can learn the best way to knit with gradient yarn, you should understand your color options. You can choose between different color patterns. Some are analogous, which means it consists of one color that fades into a lighter version.
Sometimes, the color scheme consists of complementary colors. These are colors that are opposite of one another on the color wheel. You can also choose to add an analogous in between the complementary colors to smooth the transition.
Choosing a Pattern
Since you’re more than likely new to gradient knitting or are trying to find a better way than your current method, you should understand that the pattern is a major aspect of how to knit with a gradient yarn.
Ideally, when you’re just starting, the best way to know with gradient yarn is to find a pattern for gradient yarn.
If you’d like to take a bit of a risk, you can alter an existing pattern to include gradient yarn to make. You’ll, however, need to calculate the number of rows in the entire project and think carefully about when you’ll need to switch colors to create the piece. With this method, you can create either a balanced or unbalanced look, depending on your desires.
Your calculations may look something like this:
Firstly, figure out how much yardage is in your skein.
Then, you’ll need to calculate how wide your piece will be. Next, you’ll take this number and multiply it by the ends per inch of yarn you’ll need. This figure is often referred to as your EPI. Let’s say the width of your project is 20 inches, and your EPI is five. You’d multiply these two numbers to get 100, which represents your total number of ends.
Finally, you’d divide that number by your total yardage. For example, if your total yardage is 250 yards, you’d divide 250 by 100, which would give you 2.5 yards.
Tips for Working With Gradient Yarn
As a general rule, the best way to knit with a gradient yard is to just as you would with a single-colored yarn.
Initially, begin with a simple pattern. That is until you get accustomed to how to work with this type of yarn. Even once you become more skilled, simple patterns usually look better with a gradient than more complicated ones since they won’t look as busy.
Think carefully about the size of your stitch. If you’re using larger stitches as you knit, you may not get to exhibit all the wonders of the color the changing colors of the gradient.
During your initial experimentation with gradient yarn, you may want to start with a small project until you get used to using it. That way, you won’t waste your time but can get a feel for how projects using gradient yarn turn out.
Finally, to look for patterns that use gradient yard, head to your local book store and browse. You can also perform an internet search and find a variety of projects that other people have completed with gradient yard to give you some inspiration and help you until you learn the best way to knit with gradient yarn.
Undoubtedly, gradient yarn gives a knitting project a unique look. However, you must know how to knit with gradient yarn to get the results you desire.