What a fantastic time we had on our inaugural event at Pirate Life Brewery on Saturday 8th Oct to kick off the Twist and Turns Mystery Knit Along. It certainly was a delight to host the opportunity for over 50 crafters to connect with each other and share a creative experience after recent years. This event saw many solo knitters taking the opportunity to find their tribe and I know many new friendships were sparked over discussions from colour choices to guesses where the pattern would eventually take us.
I certainly know the event sparked a lot of interest and someone very special sent a message of encouragement to everyone attending on the day, coming to our catch ups and at the ’Show and Tell’ block party. (Details to follow)
It was also wonderful to see so many completed MKAL’s from Exploration Station through to Slipstraviganza and Shawlography. Also wonderful was how many were taking the plunge on their first WestKnits MKAL, it can be daunting to take that plunge to commit to spending our creative time on something completely unknown so Bravo!
Fueling the troops